
What is your Return Policy?

We do not offer any refunds/exchanges as we deal in perishable goods. However, we do make exceptions in case you

  • - Don’t receive the products within the promised delivery time
  • - Received a damaged product

e receive the right to

  • - Request product identification
  • - Determine if the product has been damaged, abused, or used.

Please reach out to us within 24 hours of receiving the product; otherwise, we will be unable to address your concerns due to the perishable nature of the products.

The amount will be refunded/reimbursed to the same instrument used to transact. The amount will be refunded to your account within 7 - 10 business days, as per standard banking practices.

If you have questions, please email our Customer Service team via or call us at +91 81974 97531. We’ll be glad to assist you!